Friday, November 13, 2015

Using ESEARCH to find hidden process references

Colleague Studio is a very user friendly tool that can do many things with simple mouse clicks. However, it's not perfect, and sometimes it does not do what it says it does 100% to completion. Let's take "Show Reference" for example. Colleague Studio will show you a partial list of processes that reference a particular process. If you still have access to the terminal in Desktop UI, using ESEARCH command can help in these kinds of research.

We will look at one of the Ellucian's delivered subroutine, S.CHECK.IF.WITHDRAWN, for this example. When checking for references in Colleague Studio, the list looks like this:

Now that I know this subroutine is mainly called in ST, I can go to the terminal and check for the complete list.

The above screen shows the usage of ESEARCH. You specify the folder/category of processes you want to search for. The above searches for UI/Webadvisor forms in ST. After the search, the result is saved in a savedlist named DTP. When you open DTP up, either in the terminal or in UI using SLED, you will see the more complete list of UI/Webadvisor forms that reference S.CHECK.IF.WITHDRAWN in ST.

Looking at the result, we can see more processes that reference S.CHECK.IF.WITHDRAWN than what Colleague Studio provides. I have found that Colleague doesn't not maintain references to custom processes very well, so ESEARCH is a good way to double-check. You can search for processes in corresponding applications:

appl.SUBROUTINES -> appl subroutines
appl.SOUCE -> appl screens

All of this requires you to have access to the terminal, of course. You can do a similar search using the window explorer on the Colleague file server, but that takes way longer for me.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Killing Unidata session (softly with STOPUDT)

A while back when Colleague UI was first introduced, users started to X'ing out of the web-browser to close the session instead of using the logout button. That resulted in many runaways processes that used up the small license pool we had. I learned to kill those sessions through the terminal as following:

Open Colleague Desktop UI terminal:

LISTUSER: this lists all active sessions

LISTUSER | find "username": this finds a particular user's active sessions with "username"

Kill the session by:

STOPUDT usrnbr(user number): kill the session using the user's number, it's the number on the second column after using LISTUSER

* Note: insert a bang ("!") in front of LISTUSER or STOPUDT to use admin right if the commands don't work

You can use LISTUSER to check to see if your process is still running or the screen has frozen. Many times I waited for a process for so long just to find out the session was disconnected.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Problem with sorting dates in Envision

I have encountered a bug today with one of the sort subroutines, S.SORT.BY.DL, that could result to other sorting issues. In one of the processes, the dates were not sorted in the correct descending-order. After some much digging through log files and test cases, I finally shred some lights to the issue. If the date array to be sorted contains date that is before 5/18/1995, the array will not be sorted correctly. The reason for this bug is related to the way Unidata stores date in the database. Unidata dates are stored as a counter from a default date, 1/1/1968. All dates are presented as a numbers, so 1/2/1968 has a value of 2, and 1/5/1968 has a value of 5 and so on. 

For that reason, let's consider this example. Say we have an array of dates of 01/01/2000 and 5/17/1995. In envision these two dates are presented by 11689 and 9999. Because Unibasic(Envision) is a loosely-typed language, these numbers can be considered as "strings" at run-time when their type is not strictly/explicitly enforced. So after sorting the date array with descending order:

XL.DATES = 11689:@VM:9999

You will get this:

XL.DATES = 9999:@VM:11689

This is because 9 is greater than 1, so 9999, as a string, is greater than string 11689. This is incorrect because 11689 is greater than 9999, as well as 01/01/2000 is later than 5/17/1995. I also tested S.SORT.ASSOC.DL and it seems to behave the same way. 

This issue is more applicable when you work with historical data. It can happen again in 80k days when the date reach 100,000. That is more than 200 years from now, I wonder if Unidata still exists, but I am sure I won't be around to worry about it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How to get/query the list of files in a folder from Envision

Say you have a list of file in HOLD_SHARED_MYFOLDER directory in Colleague, and you want to read in the list of files in MYFOLDER and do something with them, maybe read or write or both.

What you need is read/write access to MYFOLDER. Your admin should know how to set it up, and a VOC entry should already be created for it. 

In Colleague Studio, use the following code to get back a list of files inside MYFOLDER directory:

Now you will have all the files' names in MYFOLDER populated in XL.FILES.NAME. To open each file up, you iterate them with S.OPEN.SEQ subroutine

   * Open the file
   * Read from the file
   * Close the file

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Notes on S.EXECUTE subroutine

S.EXECUTE will execute a sentence to perform operations, such as a select statement against the database. This is Datatel's version of the Unibasic EXECUTE command (you can type HELP EXECUTE at the colon prompt for additional information about EXECUTE). Since EXECUTE only works for Unidata clients, we encourage people to use S.EXECUTE in its place.

UniQuery-syntax statements can be used with S.EXECUTE on any underlying database. These statements, when used with S.EXECUTE, will be converted by Datatel's underlying MIO components to the native database query language for executing the select statement.

There is only one argument for this subroutine:
A.STMT Input only The statement to execute; the format of this statement should be:
[<options>] <command> [<arguments>]

<options> are optional; it is a list of zero or more options that are separated by spaces, each of which begins with a dash ('-') character. Valid options are:

-H = Hush the output that may be generated by the command being executed; for example, the 'n records selected' message when a select statement is executed
-NM = Do not map SELECT/SSELECT commands to MIOSEL/MIOSELS; this option is NOT recommended for use unless you are certain the file being selected exists on the application server AND you are certain that the -NM option is necessary
-C = Capture output from the command in the CAPTURED.OUTPUT common variable
-DB = Force debug mode ON for execution of S.EXECUTE; same effect as entering S.EXECUTE in UTDB screen
-DH = Only valid on Distributed UniData deployments; Execute command on database server ('datahome')

<command> is a query language command such as SELECT

<arguments> are optional; is a string that contains arguments for the command (if applicable)


The X.STMT line sets up the 'sentence' to execute. The next line that calls S.EXECUTE executes the statement. We now have an active list of PERSON records, of which we can use in the following FOR_EACH loop.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

UI 4 message box


S.MESSAGES options for the first parameter:

Here are the values for the first argument to S.MESSAGES: (copied from another posting)

1 = Use error processor; same effect as using other known methods of error handling in Envision processes

2 = Display message box; does not require user input to hide message; (Message will hide on its own at end of hook code)

3 = Display message; requires user interaction to hide message

4 = Same as option number 2

5 = Same as option number 3

* 1 Web version works completely, hangs in UI 2.3

* 2 UI version works completley, no message box displays on the Web

* 3 Web version works completely, hangs in UI 2.3

From <>

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Using S.POPMAIL to send emails in Colleague

X.EMAIL.SUBJECT = 'This is email subject'
X.FROM = ''
XL.MESSAGE<1,1> = 'First line of body'
XL.MESSAGE<1,2> = 'second line of body
XL.MESSAGE<1,3> = 'third line of body'



Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Envision Matrix and other things

I found a nice post on the forum from Patricia that could come in very handy for programmers.

In the first question about adding the comments field to an existing LIST.VAR... You were only seeing the first line, because a list inside a list doesn't work. Further down in the thread, you saw where the CONVERT @VM TO \" \" IN ... converted the list for this line into a paragraph (sort of) by replacing the character that made it a list (@VM) with a space. Then, by putting the \"paragaph\" into the window's list variable, you would have been able to see all of it on a single row of the window (albeit, maybe limited by the size of the field, so maybe not see it all )

DIM = this is a straight UniBasic command to dimension a matrix in memory. In other languages, this may also be referred to as dimensioned arrays. Referenced in Envision and UniBasic with parenthesis, most other languages with square brackets. Since Envision is an extension of UniBasic, most of the UniBasic commands can be used in Envision. Matrices can be one dimensional or two dimensional. Think of a matrix similar to a spreadsheet.

DIM XM.TEMP(15) is a single row with 15 columns
DIM XM.TEMP.TWO(15,5) would be an entire page, 15 columns by 5 rows

MAT is the companion to DIM. Where DIM sets aside the size of the matrix, MAT is the command used to initialize the dimensioned array. You usually see it initializing a matrixto null

MAT XM.TEMP = \"\"

Matrices/dimensioned arrays can be very powerful and can be equally complex.

EQUATE is a command used by the compiler. It literally takes what you type and replaces it with the equated value in the object code. Usually equates are used for programmer readability. You see every table in Datatel has an assoicated \"equate table\" in the app.INSERTS (or maybe it's the app.SOURCE). For example


Then when a record is read from the PERSON file, the individual fields are parsed into their v-dots using the equates.


is the same as saying V.LAST.NAME = R.PERSON<3>
An advantage of this approach is that something moves around to another loccation, you only need to change the equate statement and then recompile the code rather than change every place where you typed the literal location <3>.

PRINT versus X.LINE - PRINT is the UniBasic command to send stuff to the output device defined with the SETPTR command (like the printer or _HOLD_ file). PRINT_DETAIL is an Envision thing.

X.LINE is usefull for programmers to build their own line of data to be sent to the printer/output device rather than fighting with Envision's report writer... it's just easier some times

CRT is a UniBasic command to send stuff to the console/screen and is now banned in Envision.

SHOWA is the new GRSS debugger built into Envision by Datatel and would be the new replacement for any CRT statements you are using for debugging. It's really very cool. Look at the GRSS, GRS1 and GRS0 mnemonics and see if they have on-line help. It's the replacement for doing something like


would be replaced with the single line

Of course, to use SHOWA, you must use the Envision generator. If you are hacking generated source code (app.SOURCE), you would still use the UniBasic CRT command to get it to display to the console.

CALL versus CALL_SUBR - this is an Envision thing and has to do with the MIO buffers. CALL_SUBR is used by screens and enables DETAIL screens to cancel the commits to the database if it's parent is cancelled. CALL can be used in screens, but will write the data whether or not the calling screen is cancelled or not. CALL is also used in subroutines.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Colleague Lookup Resolution

EDIT: I have found that the "+Add" button can only be enabled if the lookup resolution is created in Colleague Studio. To get this to work, I created two lookup resolutions in two places, both with the same name and content (fields). One is created in Colleague studio, one is created in UICD. The names of these two need to be the same. Plug this on the form and it works (for me at least).

I found out today that creating LookUp Resolution in Colleague Studio sometimes doesn't work. When a lookup resolution is defined on the Resolution table field on LookUp Specifications Parameters screen of the file ID field, the default resolution table, which contains only Key and Description fields, is used instead.

To create and use a newly customized lookup resolution table, we have to do it in UICD, and then add the table name in Colleague Studio. First, go to UICD and create a new Context:

After adding the new context, detail into Search Results to define the lookup resolution:

Save out and go to Colleague Studio, enter the name of the resolution table into the Resolution table field.
Do not use the add button, since the new table won't be populated in there. Just enter the name of the table you created.
Save, regenerate the screen and you're done. Log out and log back in to see the new resolution table.